The role of the occupational therapist is to assist you to become as independent as possible in your everyday tasks such as personal care activities (dressing, showering, grooming) and other community activities.

For the upper limb amputee, the occupational therapist will work with your physiotherapist to help you regain as much fitness in your amputated arm and whole upper body as possible. The therapist will supervise onehanded techniques, retraining to change your hand dominance and use of adaptive equipment, if required. If you elect to have a prosthesis fitted, the occupational therapist will supervise the intensive training needed to use it successfully.

Your occupational therapist will guide you to specialised sources of help for tasks including driving and funding for aids and equipment so your return to independence is easier and safer.
It is important that equipment suits your lifestyle and environment. Rehabilitation staff are able to assist you with choosing equipment. They will ask you about the activities you were previously doing and complete an assessment of your needs.