Amputation of a limb does not necessarily prevent a person from driving.
With careful assessment of a person’s driving skills, supervised practice and using modified controls, most amputees return to safe driving. People with limb loss from birth are also often able to become successful drivers. If necessary, specialised modifications can be fitted to the vehicle’s controls to compensate for an upper or lower limb amputation.
It is your responsibility to notify the Queensland licensing authority and your vehicle insurer when you develop a disabling condition such as an amputation. If any concerns are raised about your ability to drive safely your primary care doctor can refer you to an occupational therapist that specialises in driving.
Specialised vehicle modifications are available to make driving easier for amputees. There are prosthetic components such as rotation adaptors to assist getting in and out of a car. If driving is one of your goals discuss with your prosthetist and occupational therapist how your vehicle can be modified.
It is also possible to ride motorbikes, scooters and bicycles after an amputation. Like a car there are modifications and prosthetic components designed for those who enjoy twowheeled recreation.
Amputees who require mobility aids may be eligible for a parking permit. Parking permit applications can be obtained from the Department of Transport, your occupational therapist or primary care doctor. You need to complete the form with an occupational therapist or doctor and then return it to the Transport Department with the application fee.