Queensland Artificial Limb Service
For those over 65 years and over who have not previously been under the NDIS will need to contact Queensland Artificial Limb Service (QALS).
QALS funds a variety of standard definitive prosthetic services for people requiring a definitive prosthesis (artificial limb), for basic day to day activities. Annual funding limits apply to all services funded through QALS.
Registration with QALS is a simple process, normally a single page form is all that is required, depending on the circumstances. The person requiring the funding support for definitive prosthetic services must be:
- Aged 65 years or older;
- An Australian Citizen, Permanent Resident or a holder of a protected special category visa (SCV);
- Listed on a current Medicare Card with no restrictions;
- Completed an ‘interim rehabilitation program’, assessed and deemed competent and suitable to use a prosthetic limb; and
- Not obtaining prosthetic funding support or services through another Government agency or State service